
Innovative Approaches to Healthier Sweetening: Pioneering Solutions to Slash Sugar in Products


Presently, there’s a shift in the market as brands transition from artificial sweeteners to a range of diverse alternatives and flavor enhancers. Sweegen is at the forefront of this movement, harnessing new-generation stevia such as high-purity non-GMO Reb M and the sweet protein brazzein in their Sweetensify flavors, showcasing taste modulation technology Brazzein, an innovative and exclusive sweet-tasting protein derived from the fruits of the West African Oubli plant. With a sweetness level 500-2000 times greater than regular sugar, Brazzein offers a calorie-free alternative. Unlike typical proteins, Brazzein maintains its structure regardless of heat or pH levels. Its unique interaction with taste receptors goes beyond one-dimensional sweetness, expanding and intensifying tastes like umami. Brazzein and similar sweet proteins bind with various taste receptors on the tongue, particularly the T1R3 receptor linked to sweetness and umami perception. Brazzein serves as a valuable high-intensity sweetener, addressing taste modulation challenges and promising minimal bitter aftertaste. Brazzein seamlessly collaborates with other Sweegen Technologies, notably Bestevia® Reb M and Ultra+, making it an essential tool for product developers.

Source: https://sweegen.com/brazzein/

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