
GoodMill’s SpermidineEvo offers premium ingredient for nutraceutical applications


According to a recent news report, the market of healthy ageing-nutraceuticals has seen the arrival of SpermidineEvo from GoodMills Innovation that helps in cell health and well-being in advancing age. The news was published in the Nutraceutical Business Review, only B2B platform on nutraceutical updates.

This premium product by GoodMills Innovation contains wheat germ concentrate with very high spermidine content. The ingredient is available either in powder form for better solubility or as a raw germ for extraction. It has a slightly nutty taste and used in tablets, capsules, sachets or in novel nutraceutical applications as functional fruit gums such as VMS gummies and chewing gums. Other forms in which spermidine is available in the market are protein and granola bars, cereals, smoothies, bread or wheat germ milk.

Spermidine is a natural polyamine, known to promote cell renewal, thereby slowing down the ageing process. It plays a role in reducing the risk of developing cognitive impairment in old age. Spermidine also plays a pivotal role in cell regeneration, especially in autophagy where it recycles damaged organelles and helps in biosynthesis of new cells. A scientific study conducted to study the effect of spermidine on the memory performance of older adults with dementia risk showed that compared to the placebo group, spermidine group showed marked improvement in memory performance. Thus, with innovation, availability of spermidine is guaranteed.

Source: Stay healthier for longer with natural wheat germ concentrate. Nutraceutical Business Review. 15 February, 2023. https://nutraceuticalbusinessreview.com/news/article_page/Stay_healthier_for_longer_with_natural_wheat_germ_concentrate/206846

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