WWF, in collaboration with Finance Earth, has introduced the Fisheries Improvement Fund (FIF), an innovative financial model aimed at promoting sustainability in marine ecosystems. This pioneering initiative is designed to attract diverse forms of public and private investment, offering a new approach to address the challenges faced by declining global fisheries. The FIF’s primary objective is to drive positive ecological outcomes, fostering sustainable blue economies and thriving fishing communities worldwide.
To showcase the effectiveness of the FIF, Cargill and Skretting have committed capital to participate in a pilot program. Through a program-related investment instrument, these industry leaders will demonstrate the feasibility of transitioning towards sustainable aquaculture practices. The FIF will be managed jointly by WWF and Finance Earth, who will actively welcome proposals from fisheries across the globe, ensuring a wide-ranging impact in promoting sustainable fishing practices.
The launch of the Fisheries Improvement Fund represents a significant step forward in marine conservation efforts. By integrating financial innovation and conservation objectives, this model creates opportunities to drive positive change in global fisheries. Through strategic partnerships and an open call for proposals, the FIF has the potential to generate substantial investments and empower fishing communities to embrace sustainable practices, fostering a more balanced and resilient relationship between humanity and the oceans.